Brand IdentityIllustration

Peeps for Social Good

From Concept to Canvas: A Case Study in Brand Expression

Year: 2023
Collaborator: Aspen Labs

The purple peep, dressed as a construction worker, wears a yellow helmet on its head and holds a scoop, indicating its role in the construction industry. The blue peep, resembling a teacher, holds a red book with the word
Peeps for Social Good 90


Aspen Labs, an innovative human-centered design firm located in Denver, recently adopted a refreshed brand identity marked by a distinctive logo showcasing a vibrant maple leaf in gradient hues. Seeking to fortify their brand presence, the firm recognized the potential of enhancing their identity through the creation of impactful swag.

As the Designer-in-Residence at the firm, I worked closely with Christi Zuber and Mike Lin to co-create the concept for the illustration and its accompanying message.


For the first step, I facilitated a brainstorming session to uncover potential taglines and illustrations. Our exploration focused on Aspen Labs’ core values, target audience, distinctive qualities within the consultancy field, and defining attributes.


Then, drawing inspiration from the potential headlines crafted with ChatGPT, we leveraged the 2×2 Prioritization Matrix to pinpoint the most apt taglines for the brand.

A square divided into four sections features the Aspen Labs logo at the center, showcasing a maple leaf. Surrounding the logo are pink stickies, each adorned with tagline ideas for creative inspiration.

“Peeps for Social Good” was settled upon after a few changes.

Peeps, while initially unfamiliar to me, carry a dual significance that signifies both individuals and those beloved marshmallow confections shaped as chicks and bunnies. While staying true to the brand colors of Aspen Labs, these diverse Peeps symbolize unity, acceptance, and hope.

ALs Color Palette

Final Products

Bag Peeps
Three T-shirts

Ⓒ 2024 Rie Takeuchi