
I’m Rie (not Rei).
It is pronounced: LEE-EH

As a designer, researcher, and storyteller, I work across a variety of disciplines.

Storytelling is something I enjoy, and I use different media to express my narratives. The initial acknowledgment of my storytelling came through my short documentary films, screened at the Omaha Film Festival in 2010 and 2011. My creative pursuits have since expanded, involving consistent documentation of everyday life and exploration of various creative activities.

Having earned a Master’s degree in Design focused on Health from the University of Texas at Austin, my journey has taken me into design strategy. I employ my creative and analytical skills to develop human-centered solutions, a seamless extension of my passion for making design universally accessible and impactful.

Lettering that reads

Illustration created for Aspen Labs

Ⓒ 2024 Rie Takeuchi